If you’ve found your way to this article, You’ll figure out how to manifest someone to call you and more. chances are there’s someone in your life you’re out of contact with; someone important to you who you really wish to be in contact with you. You’re not alone. Life isn’t perfect. It’s full of ups and downs and sometimes whatever higher power you believe in sends some special people into your life, only for them to go away again. Though nothing in life is permanent, sometimes it’s worth it to fight for what you want. If you want to learn how to manifest someone to call you, keep reading and we’ll show you how to use that powerful organ between your eyes to manifest the person you’re missing to get in touch with you. I’ll go through some reasons why they may not be in touch with you and I’ll give you some manifestation tips and tricks you can use to attract contact with the person of your desire.


How to manifest someone to contact you

How to manifest someone to call you

The law of attraction states that whatever your outside reality looks like, you attracted it; at least on some primordial level. This means that, if there is a person who you want to contact you who isn’t taking the bait, there’s a part of your being that has attracted this situation. The Universe works for you, not against you, so chances are you attracted this situation for your own good. It’s either a lesson or a blessing. Whichever one it is, it’s up to you to figure it out. In this article, I’ll go ahead and layout the manifestation tips and tricks you can use to get the person you’re longing to be in contact with to contact you. I also personally recommend checking out this for information on your quest. 


The law of attraction and manifestation marry the power of the unseen realm with the power of the material world. You must work in both realms to achieve your manifestations as easily and effortlessly as possible. 


As human beings, we have seen and unseen parts of our being. Our outer reality is a direct representation of the total vibration of our being. Think of a projector. What you see on the outside is a projection of the entirety of who you are. The reason why we often don’t experience realities that we desire is due to the fact that a large part of our being is unseen, and if it is unseen, then it’s hard for us to work on it to create what we desire. Parts of our being such as our subconscious mind and our energetic body is not readily perceivable by the untrained human being. Manifestation teaches us how to access these parts of our being in an effort to align ourselves with our desires. 


The following steps will help you with manifesting the person of your desire to contact you.


Set an intention

Intentions are like the codes which activate the creative power of the mind. Words are spells; they carry energetic power and are transformative in their own right. Intentions are powerful tools for manifesting anything you desire. Think of them as magic words that direct the energy of your brain to attract the object of your desire. Setting a simple intention such as, “I intend for Carl to get in contact with me” is the first step in the manifestation process.



how to manifest someone to call you


The second step is visualization. Visualize the person of your desire to call you. Picture yourself on the phone with them. Picture how the convo would go. Picture where you might be when you receive the call. Picture what you might be wearing. Use as much detail as possible. Visualization with intention is the process by which we create. Think of an architect. A building is first constructed in the mind of an architect through intention and visualization.


Remove obstacles to the manifestation of your desires

This is often one of the hardest parts of manifestation. Manifestation is our natural state of being. Everything we experience we manifest. However, because we weren’t taught this, we often doubt that we’re able to consciously spearhead this process. All our thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions have an energetic component to it. If you set the intention for your desires and you visualize what you want, if you doubt that it will happen, then this doubt has an opposite effect on what you’ve set out to achieve. Manage your doubt and you’ll see results you never thought possible. Some ways in which you can manage your doubt are by informing yourself on the topic of manifestation and by reading about the success stories of others. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, and listen to the stories of others. Your mind is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes and the less doubt you’ll have as you’ll be better able to understand how this process works.



The last thing you need to do is detach from the outcome. Think of when you order something online. You put the item in your shopping cart, you check out, and you detach from receiving your item. You go back to living your life as normal until the item comes. The same goes for manifestation. Remember this is a game of energy. If you’re strongly attracted to the outcome, this gives off the vibration of desperation and lack and you’ll only receive more of what you don’t want.

Detachment doesn’t mean that you don’t have the desire anymore. It just means that you’re not desperately clinging to the outcome you want.


Trust me, it works! Check out the following article with a real-life story of someone who manifested contact with a person of their desire.




While the principles are the same, persons often ask similar questions that they need answers to. Keep the same principles in mind but I’ll say a few words on the most common questions people ask as it relates to manifesting contact. 


How to manifest someone to text you

how to manifest someone to call you

The principles remain the same. It’s all about intention setting, creative visualization, doubt removal, and detachment. Remember to be as creative and accurate as possible with your visualizations. This article has helped many learn how to manifest text messages. 


How to manifest someone to think about you

how to manifest someone to call you

Everything is connected primarily by energy. I’m sure you’ve already had an instance where you thought about someone and they got in contact with you shortly after. You can use the same process to achieve this. Think about this person and picture them thinking about you. Look for signs and synchronicities that might confirm to you that they’re also thinking about you. For example, you might coincidentally see something that you two have in common or something of the sort. This could be the Universe’s way of letting you know the person is thinking of you too.


How to manifest someone to like you

In order to manifest someone to like you, in addition to intention, creative visualization, removal of obstacles, and detachment, you have to show up as your authentic self. You have to find out who you really are and embody who you really are. Too often we live our lives as a watered-down version of ourselves and we’ll never attract the people meant for us this way. If you find out who you really are, live your truth and practice the manifestation tips we’ve given you in this article, the Universe will have no choice but to pair you with the person who’s meant for you. Finding yourself takes a little experience, some psychoanalysis, and a willingness to perform some trial and error.



To conclude, once you master these simple manifestation techniques, you’ll be able to attract contact from the people you desire. Remember, your being is bigger than you think and do not take the unseen world for granted; all things come from there. Use your intention, your creative visualization ability, remove your doubts and detach and you’ll be able to align your being to your desires. By now, you should know without a shadow of a doubt, how to get someone to call you using manifestation.